Acknowledging Fears With Our Goals
I wanted to build on previous posts, and my last blog post because I understand where and why it may have been rather daunting for you all. I know the idea of setting goals is really difficult, in fact, it can be down right terrifying! So after my last post I wanted to acknowledge, accept and understand that! Heck some of my own goals are quite daunting. Do not fear, you can still make and adapt goals as the year progresses, no one needs to get hung up on a New Year's Goal, how about a New Life Goal, a New Horsemanship Goal, or a New Daily Goal?
With my own goals I am not only breaking them down into achievable steps by just simply starting moment by moment, I am not putting a set deadline on all of them, in that I am making it a flexible deadline with a "rough" end. One of them being that I want to improve my horsemanship, well I want to work on that for the rest of my life in general, but I have smaller steps I want to achieve within that goal. Additionally I have found ways to improve my horsemanship through my life choices and actions - so I can reach daily, weekly or even monthly goals within the bigger picture.
All of this helps take the pressure off myself and my equine partner as well - I do not have to achieve certain showing goals, I can strive for them, adapt, accept and change them along the way to accommodate myself and my equine partner! The awesome thing is, it does not mean you are a failure, it means you are willing to change and better yourself despite hiccups, bumps, bruises, hurt ego, etc. I want to try to put my equine's needs above my own when possible. I still push both them and myself, but I am working towards acknowledging more of what they have to say (crazy, I know).
I have two more running themes going on through my life I want to discuss in future posts and blogs. The first is focus and work on really being in the moment, especially with our equine partners! The second is the quote "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" said by Wayne Dyer. I want to leave that quote, just really think about it and see where it takes you.
